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BROEN BALLOMAX® Floating Ball Valves

Brand: Broen
BROEN BALLOMAX®, floating ball valves are designed specifically for natural gas distribution systems and are the best choice when it comes to steel ball valves.
All floating ball valves feature an all-welded body with no potential leak path. BROEN BALLOMAX® Valves are long-lasting and maintenance-free.
Three Different Styles:
Pipeline Style:  The BROEN best-seller with endless configurations to fit most requirements
Premium Style:  High-end valve made with extra-strong forged components. Short-pattern design is ideal for metering and regulating stations.
Utility Style:  Cost-effective short pattern flanged end ball valve. Ideal to replace plug and iron body valves.
  • All welded body, floating ball valves
  • Manufactured from the same pipe material as your pipeline, they can be used in below ground or above ground applications
  • Valves come in the most comprehensive range in the industry with a vast variety of features: all sizes, with all options of end connections and operators, short and long pattern, with concave balls or straight balls, either regular port or full port
  • All valves serial numbered for full traceability
  • All valves tested per API 6D
  • Key features:
    • Pressure classes: 285 PSI (ANSI 150), 500 PSI, 740 PSI (ANSI 300)
    • 304 Stainless Steel Balls and Stem on all valves; Carbon steel body
    • Locking Plate with POWERSTOPS™ (600 ft/lbs)
    • Seats of 25% Carbonized PTFE (Teflon™) (G-453) rated to -20F service
BROEN BALLOMAX®, floating ball valves are designed specifically for natural gas distribution systems and are the best choice when it comes to steel ball valves.
All floating ball valves feature an all-welded body with no potential leak path. BROEN BALLOMAX® Valves are long-lasting and maintenance-free.
Three Different Styles:
Pipeline Style:  The BROEN best-seller with endless configurations to fit most requirements
Premium Style:  High-end valve made with extra-strong forged components. Short-pattern design is ideal for metering and regulating stations.
Utility Style:  Cost-effective short pattern flanged end ball valve. Ideal to replace plug and iron body valves.
  • All welded body, floating ball valves
  • Manufactured from the same pipe material as your pipeline, they can be used in below ground or above ground applications
  • Valves come in the most comprehensive range in the industry with a vast variety of features: all sizes, with all options of end connections and operators, short and long pattern, with concave balls or straight balls, either regular port or full port
  • All valves serial numbered for full traceability
  • All valves tested per API 6D
  • Key features:
    • Pressure classes: 285 PSI (ANSI 150), 500 PSI, 740 PSI (ANSI 300)
    • 304 Stainless Steel Balls and Stem on all valves; Carbon steel body
    • Locking Plate with POWERSTOPS™ (600 ft/lbs)
    • Seats of 25% Carbonized PTFE (Teflon™) (G-453) rated to -20F service



Body Design

  • Fully Welded


  • Stainless Steel Ball and Stem
  • Carbon Steel Body

Size Range

  • ANSI 150 (285 psi) up to ANSI 300 (740)
  • 3/4" up to 8"

End Configuations

  • Hot tap
  • Male thread x Weld end
  • WxF
  • Weld end
  • Female threads
  • Flanged End

Additional Features

  • Locking Plate with Powerstops
  • Operator options: T-slot, 2" square nut, bare Stem, gear Operator
  • Serial number for full traceability
  • Teflon seats (PTFE)
  • Service: -20F up to 250F
  • Zero maintenance
